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Greenhouse Tech Shinning in The 2018 China-Africa Modern Agricultural Cooperation Conference

The 2018 China-Africa Modern Agricultural Cooperation Conference was successfully held in Wu Han New World Hotel on 25 May. About 50 government officers from 20 countries and 200 representatives from 60 domestic corporations were presented. Our General Manager Lee Chen and two managers have joined the conference.

Officer Mamadou Sy from Senegal said he and his government warmly welcome us to invest their country, they need our greenhouse and growing technology to produce more food and economic crops. So as many officers from other Africa countries. Greenhouse with modern equipment can help us control crops’ growing environment so that to increase output. Especially the poly film covered greenhouse for lower cost in the beginning.

Mr. Mohammed Seid told us, vegetables like tomato, cucumber is so short that only riches can afford them in Ethiopia. They hope we can deeply discuss Greenhouse PPP Project in the future, his government gives us fully policy support to build and running greenhouse there.

Our greenhouse projects also loved by domestic corporations. Mrs. Wang, the Deputy General Manager of China-Africa Machinery Corp. asked for our catalog and said she and her colleagues will introduce our greenhouse equipment to their clients. PMP Nina from Wuhan Oriental Construction Group found us and asked us to make a greenhouse design.


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